Kaçtığın sen, vardığın sen
Korkuların sen, umutların sen
Mekan sen, zaman sen
Nereye gitsen, götüreceğin içindeki sen
Git bakalım gelmeyecek mi peşinden kaçtığın sen?
Yazan sen okuyan sen
Görülen sen gören sen
Anlatan sen anlayan sen
Sen bensin ben sen
Niye bu kavga hakikaten?
You who run, you are the one you reach
Your fears are you, your hopes are you
The place is you, the time is you
Wherever you go, you will take the one inside you
Go ahead, will the one you run from not catch up with you?
You are the writer, you are the reader
You are the one seen, you are the one seeing
You are the one telling, you are the one understanding
You are me, I am you
Why this fight, really?
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